Subprocessor List

Last Edit:
July 12, 2024
Table of Contents

Core Subprocessors: These Subprocessors are essential to the offering of our services. These Subprocessors process mostly technical data about our Customer’s end users that is necessary to provide their services to Kajabi and Customers.

Sub-Processor Description of Data Processed Service provider's location Services Description
Amazon Web Services Data associated with delivery of the Kajabi Platform USA Cloud Service Provider
Cloudflare Data associated with access and use of the Kajabi platform USA Load balancing, DDOS Protection
Cloudinary Data associated with access and use of the Kajabi platform USA Upload, store, manager, deliver images and videos
Datadog Data associated with access and use of the Kajabi platform USA Performance logging, security operations for the Kajabi Platform
Hasura Data associated with access and use of the Community USA Backend as a service technology
Hive Data associated with access and use of the Kajabi platform USA Moderation services
Salesforce (Heroku) Data associated with access and use of the Kajabi platform USA Kajabi Platform Management
Mailgun Data associated with Email Transmission USA Email transmission
Rudderstack Data associated the use of the Kajabi Platform USA Customer data platform
Snowflake Data associated with use of the Kajabi Platform USA Data Warehousing
TaskUs Data associated with access and use of the Kajabi platform USA Customer support
Wistia Data associated with video hosting USA Video Hosting

Optional Subprocessors: These Subprocessors may apply if you use various features across the Kajabi platform. For example, you may use one payment processor or another, or you may utilize a calendar feature that is provided by one of our Subprocessors.

Sub-Processor Description of Data Processed Service provider's location Services Description
Calendly Calendar Data USA Calendaring
Common Ninja Widget Data USA Widgets
Facebook Traffic and Event Data USA Traffic and Event Analytics
GetFeedback Survey Data USA Provision of Customer Surveys
Google Analytics/reCAPTCHA USA Analytics
Microsoft Outlook Calendar Data USA Calendaring
Nylas Scheduling Data USA Calendaring
PayPal Payment Processing Data USA Payment Processing
Quaderno Payment Information Netherlands Sales Tax Compliance
Whereby Video Meeting Data Ireland Video Hosting
Stripe Payment Processing Data USA Payment Processing